Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kindle Book Release

Having weathered the ups and downs of job loss, having experienced the sense of loss, and finding the road to recovery by welcoming a new perspective on life, I have published on Kindle, a short story about the experience.

The story is called Heavenly Artillery: Job loss through the lens of faith. I set a mere 99 cent price tag so that it is affordable for anyone.

This powerful and thought provoking story details the negative experience of job loss and how it stirred serious self-reflection. It took courage to examine my personal and professional life experiences in search of meaning and purpose.

The outcome, however, was a new life. It is an honest reflection on how my faith matured and served to move me toward my own business start-up.

Essentially, this short story is a prayer that promotes prayer. I believe it has the potential to inspire others.

Today, I own a small writing business. I set a mere 99 cent price tag so that it is affordable for anyone.